Delivering Social Media Skills


We recently undertook an extensive two-day social media workshop for our client Howarth Timber to arm them with the all the skills and knowledge they need to ensure their online presence is a roaring success.

Two members of the marketing team came to our Headingley office for a workshop packed with insightful information on all social media platforms and a host of hands-on tasks, designed to give them a flavour of how to respond to potential social media headaches.

Beth Galyer, who attended the workshop said: “Harris’ social media workshop really helped me to understand it from a business point of view, rather than personal. They were able to answer any questions that we fired at them and helped us put what we had learnt into practice with the tasks that they assigned us. I feel a lot more confident following the course and now feel comfortable enough to tackle Howarth Timber’s social media accounts myself.”

To speak to someone about our social media workshops please call 0113 230 4411.

Harris » Delivering Social Media Skills